Small Business Complains of Counterfeiters on Amazon

Small Business Complains of Counterfeiters on Amazon

The eCommerce giant is well aware of its counterfeit problem. Sellers think it’s not taking all the necessary measures to solve the problem. If you’re interested in counterfeiters on Amazon and how you can get ACH business loans without challenges, just read this article.


Dealing With Counterfeiters on Amazon? Need ACH Business Loans?

There’re popular products duly registered with Amazon that can have all their sales hijacked. Such losses do lots of damage to small businesses. Let alone the time and effort it takes small businesses it takes to put an end to counterfeiters’ activities.

Counterfeiters can exploit legitimate brands on Amazon. They cause harm to legitimate brands in the following ways: lost revenue, damaged reputation, and intellectual property theft.

What should you, as a buyer, do? Don’t fail to check the reviews and merchants carefully. This can help you be sure you’re not buying a poor-quality counterfeit of the item you need. According to a business owner, it’s important to create a case and reach out to Amazon once you discover someone is selling counterfeit products.

By the way, if you’re a merchant seeking access to working capital, you should turn to a reputable business funding provider. With a respectable alternative online lender, you can be sure to get the necessary business financing, including ACH business loans. Also, you can get the best protection against payment processing fraud. The true professional in the field can help you fight chargebacks and resolve disputes easily.

Amazon and Its Counterfeit Problems

Amazon has a program called “Fulfillment by Amazon,” which is commonly abbreviated as FBA and referred to as “Fulfilled by Amazon” colloquially. The program enables sellers to store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Then, Amazon picks, packs, ships, and delivers customer service for these products. This is what you can find on Amazon’s promotional page.

Amazon’s primarily focuses on lowering prices so to keep users on the site and create network effects with its other products. According to some, it feels like counterfeiters play an important role in this regard. As long as the pirates don’t play a dominant role and public complaints happen occasionally, no large efforts would be put in eradicating this problem.

What Amazon did with regard to some recent complaints was to respond with a lengthy statement. Amazon defended its efforts to fight counterfeiting. Amazon claims the company thoroughly investigates any concerns about counterfeits. The same also refers to lawsuits against those selling fraudulent products, and a brand registry protecting sellers’ logo, and other branding.

Author Bio: Business Funding expert, Michael Hollis prides himself in being able to help the backbone of America; small business owners. When he isn’t helping merchants, you’re more than likely to find him scuba diving the California coast or eating at one of LA’s tasty Vegan restaurants.


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